
Monday, February 27, 2017

Rising Author Tag!

Hey everybody! I got tagged by my friend Eliza from Writing in the Rain to do the "Rising Author" tag. Thanks Eliza! Here were the questions I got:

1) What music do you listen to while writing? I usually just use music when I'm writing sad or intense scenes. I use soundtracks pretty much exclusively. I wrote the last scene of my finished novel to "Rue's Farewell" from The Hunger Games (it was on repeat many times).

2) Do you prefer writing on a computer or writing with a notebook and pen? Definitely notebook and pen. I wrote most of my NaNoWriMo novel on the computer though because there's NO way I would have finished it with handwriting it. But I just really like handwriting for some reason.

3) Do you plan to have your books traditionally published or self published? I go back and forth on this one, but most of the time the answer is traditionally published.

4) Pride and Prejudice or Lord of the Rings? That's really hard....they're so different. I can't pick.

5) Does your faith influence your writing in any specific way? Since I write books where the main character goes through a lot of emotional hardship, I would say that the way my faith influences my writing is that something always gets them through it. I don't necessarily call it God all the time because I want my books to be appealing to non-Christian audiences as a light to them, but you can kinda tell.

6) What books and/or movies would you compare your work in progress to? Oh gosh, that's hard. Shadows is probably like Divergent meets The Illusionist (not the plot of that one though, the concept).

7) What's your favorite part of the writing process? Writing the first draft, editing, letting people read your writing? Um, I send out my first (most unedited) draft to my readers, and hearing their feedback is awesome. Also their groans of not knowing what will happen next.

8) What one word would you use to describe your writing style? That's easy. Dramatic.

9) What do you reward yourself with after meeting a writing goal? Nothing lol I just pat myself on the back

10) When did you decide you wanted to be a writer? Well, I wrote my first story when I was 4, but I guess around twelve was when I decided I wanted it as a career.

11) For you is writing a hobby, ministry or future career? Both a career and a ministry.

Hope you guys enjoyed that!



  1. You got to this fast 😁
    I loved reading all of your answers!!!

  2. I was the one who tagged Eliza for the thing. So glad she tagged you!
