Well, it's been about four months since I wrote a blog post.....go ahead and slap me. But the truth is, life has been pretty crazy. School and work have sucked a lot of life out of me, and my WIPs have been neglected as well. And two weeks ago, the most tragic loss I've experienced came out of nowhere and slammed me into the ground. I came on here to look at the last post I'd written (Why Do I Blog?) and as soon as I saw the title, I was like, oh man. It was an answer to a question that my recently lost friend had asked me. I want to start blogging again because this loss has caused me to be more determined to fulfill my purpose in writing. There will eventually be a post about this loss, and there will also be an open, honest post about my experience with grief. There will also be fun and light posts and eventually I'll get back in the groove of things. I appreciate everyone who has read my blog, and I thank you for taking the time to read this :) Hope to post again soon!