
Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017: My Year in Review

     Everybody! Another year is ending. 2017 will soon be over. 2018 will begin. It is time to reflect upon the past 365 days. The accomplishments. The failures. The happiness. The pain. The joys. The sorrows. The gains. The losses.
     This year has been a roller coaster, and it seemed to have more downs than ups. But that's what life is. A beautiful tangled mess that at the end of the day, we wouldn't trade for anything in the world.
Here's mine.




In March, I wrote my most commented on post WIPs!! . You guys loved it :)

In September, I reached the one year mark of blogging!

In October, I wrote my most viewed post Struggling With Depression Does Not Make You A Bad Christian. It's also one of my favorite posts that I've done.

I reached over 3,000 views!


I want to consistently publish one blog post a week. Sunday will be the posting day. 

I want to reach 5,000 views by June. 

I want to set up my follow button so you guys can follow me!




Kelton and I began writing The Blood Oath

The Blood Oath is currently at 71,796 words. 

I continued writing Shadows, my 2016 NaNoWriMo project. 

Shadows is currently at 76,612 words. 

I finished my first short story, "Treasure of the Heart", and it totaled at not quite 2,500 words. 


I want to complete and edit the first draft of The Blood Oath.

I want both our alpha and beta readers to finish The Blood Oath.

I want to complete and edit the first draft of Shadows.

I want to publish and/or find an agent for The Other Side.




I read 15 fictional books this year.

I read 3 trilogies:

The Winner's Curse, The Winner's Crime, and The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski.

Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, and Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson.

Scarlet, Lady Thief, and Lionheart by A. C. Gaughen.

I read 5 genres:

Contemporary Romance, Young Adult (YA), Fantasy, Christian, Historical Fiction.

I started two books:

Oathbringer (Stormlight Archive #3) by Brandon Sanderson.

Eye of the World (Wheel of Time #1) by Robert Jordan.

I read Can't Help Falling and Heartless, which both tore my heart out, but only Can't Help Falling gave it back.


Finish Oathbringer. Only 1,050 pages to go!

Finish Eye of the World.

Read at least #2 and #3 of The Wheel of Time series.

Read 20 books.



Artist: Fleurie

Genre: Alternative

Favorite Song: "Hymn"

Artist: Ruelle

Genre: Alternative

Favorite Song: "The Other Side"

Artist: Sleeping At Last

Genre: Electronic

Favorite Song: "Saturn"

Artist: Jackie Evancho

Genre: Classical/Pop

Favorite Song: "Sane"

Artist: NF

Genre: Rap

Favorite Song: "Let You Down"

Artist: The Greatest Showman

Genre: Soundtrack

Favorite: "This is Me" *but I'm obsessed with the whole thing


I want to film/release at least one YouTube cover.

I want to extend my vocal range.



The Fault in Our Stars

I absolutely loved this movie. 5 out 5 stars. It was such a beautifully honest and real love story. I cried so hard my eyes were puffy and red after it ended. I want to own this movie because I will definitely watch it again. Okay? Okay.

V for Vendetta

This movie was a thought-provoking one. 4 out of 5 stars. A lot of moral questions. I loved Evie and V. I loved the sacrifice and the emotion. I would watch this one again.

The Greatest Showman

Omigosh! This movie. Absolutely loved it! 5 out 5 stars. I would go see it in theaters again. The soundtrack is AMAZING! It was such a beautiful story of courage, family, acceptance, perseverance, and love.



  • CHEFA senior banquet. It was a beautiful night at which I felt like a princess. 

  • I flew to Houston with my brother's robotics team to watch them play at the World Championship. That remains the best weekend of 2017. It was awesome to be part of the team for a little while, and I basically spent 3 straight days with some of my closest friends. One of my friends and I were the closest we have ever been. I had so much fun cheering Team 3303 on. 
  • I performed in my last choir and Visual Sound performance. I loved every single song the choir sang, and I performed the lead in one of the Visual Sound songs. It was awesome. 

  • I took my own personal senior trip with three friends and I had an amazing time. We had so much fun playing games and running around the beach. 
  • My best friend (who lives in Florida) was able to come visit for a week. She was my partner in watching The Fault in Our Stars. We just hung out and played an infinite number of Spit games. We watched a movie every night, and we stayed up talking. It was awesome. #friends13yearsandcounting

  • I completed the mentorship program at my church. My mentor and I did many fun things in the 6 months that we hung out, and I have gained a friend who is able to offer me advice from a more mature viewpoint. 

  • I helped plan and attend my first surprise birthday party for one of my friends. We completely succeeded in surprising him, and that was a great feeling. We also went to see Wonder Woman afterwards and I fell asleep in the theater. 
  • Some of my friends and I went to visit a friend who was working at a summer camp from June to August. We kinda missed him, so it was great to see him.


  • June 2: I graduated high school with 48 college credits!
  • June 13: I turned 18 years old!!
  • June 29: I was accepted to Regent University to begin a B.A. in English
  • July 31: I passed my driver's test!
  • August 21: I started my first college semester
  • August 22: I started working my first full-time job 
  • December 16: I completed half the credits necessary for my degree!


     As I said at the beginning of this post, this year was a roller coaster with what seemed like more downs than ups. I lost two of my closest friendships. I've grown distant with a couple others. But I also made a few new friends.
     There was a lot of change and upheaval as I transitioned into being out of high school. There was a lot of stress as I tried to find a job as an 18 year old with no experience. There was a lot of feeling isolated. Depression came back after being gone for a couple of years. There was a tremendous feeling of loss this year.
     However, God has taught me through these trials (as He always does). I have learned to respect myself more. I have learned to respect my time and my emotions more. I have learned that even though it is as hard as heck, sometimes the best thing to do is to let it go.
     I am ready for 2017 to be over. I am ready for a new year and for a new beginning. God is going to do great things in my life, and I am so excited. I'm hoping it'll be easier than this year, but if not, I will simply trust in Him and know that everything is according to His plan.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Dear Unknown Girl: You Are Brave

This post came from a conversation with one of my closest friends. She told me I was brave, and when I asked why she thought that, her response floored me, and meant more to me than I can express. Here it is:

                        You go through a lot and you push through. It's hard and you don't give up.
After she told me that, I thought about how that changed my perspective of my struggles, and how it  encouraged me. And today, I wanted to write a letter to all the girls to encourage them the way my friend encouraged me.

Dear Unknown Girl,

You are brave.

You want to know why? Well, there's this crazy messy beautiful thing called life, and you are living it. That is bravery. You got out of bed this morning. You might have cried yourself to sleep last night, but you still got up to face another day. That is bravery. You might be struggling with depression, but you absolutely fangirled over the amazing thing that happened to your friend. That is bravery. You might have thought about committing suicide, but then you thought of your family and friends and all that could be and chose life. That is bravery. You might have had your heart broken, but you continue to love utterly and completely. That is bravery. You might have been betrayed, but you forgive. That is bravery.You might have wanted to keep your story to yourself, but instead you shared it. That is bravery.

You are brave.

Bravery is so often portrayed as extraordinary courage, but the reality is that whenever you chose the hard thing, you are being brave. Whenever you refuse to give in to whatever tries to bring you down, you are being brave. Whenever you say no to something wrong, you are being brave. Whenever you love someone more than yourself, you are being brave. Whenever you share the vulnerable pieces of your heart, you are being brave. Whenever you laugh when you could cry instead, you are being brave. Whenever you say yes when you want to say no, you are being brave.

You are brave.

It's time to recognize that small, everyday acts can be acts of bravery, and I hope you join me in starting to see the bravery all around you. I hope this made you realize what a brave girl you are. Yes, it is true. 


Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Wintery Weather Tag

Thank you to my friend Musicgirl121 for tagging me in this post!!


Hmm. I don't really burn candles, but I like sweet scents, like sugar cookie, pumpkin pie, etc. I don't really have a favorite though


Tea. I usually drink hot red or chai tea in the winter, but I love drinking iced green tea in the summer.


Oh! I know! In the fall of 2014, my drama class performed The Other Side. I wrote the play and performed the lead role and it was freaking amazing. After the last scene, me and my main scene partner stood onstage in the dark for a moment. As the applause started, we squeezed each other's hand before walking off. It was absolutely the best night of my life.


Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger....all mixed together for cookies or something.


Sweet potato casserole. I mean, come on. It has brown sugar, spices, and marshmallows. It's amazing.


It has a gorgeous light that somehow makes the world feel good, and it has a nice temperature of not being hot, but also not being too cold. And the leaves fall and blow along the street.


If sweatshirts count, my senior Unshaken sweatshirt. If not, I guess this gray sweater that I just bought this year. It's so soft and comfy and I can wear leggings with it.


Is that even a choice? Football all the way, baby!! I have been watching football since I was in my mom's tummy. And football is literally on right now. #GoBroncos


Definitely leggings. They're so much more comfortable, plus skinny jeans don't look great on me.


Neither I guess? I pretty much only wear my black heeled boots in autumn/winter, so...


Not exactly. I mean, I love pumpkin and everything, but why obsess over it?


I don't really watch TV shows.


That's a tough question.....I don't really have one, but "Peppermint Winter" by Owl City gets me into the winter spirit. That sorta counts.


I don't really wear either, but I'm starting to wear more scarves.


Not sure.....for me, I kinda feel like fall is a new beginning because it's the start of a new school year. Last year, fall started my senior year. This year, fall started my first college semester. So I guess it's like beginning for me.

I will just randomly pick Abbiee @ AbbieeMusicBlog because she would just do such a cozy post.


Friday, December 8, 2017

My WIP Shadows: The Inspiration

One of my friends recently asked me what the inspiration was for my current WIP, Shadows. Today I am going to try to piece that story together as best I can. First, some background on this story for those aren't familiar with it.

Genre: Futuristic. Not quite dystopian, not quite sci-fi, not quite romance. I used to classify it as suspense, but the pacing isn't really right for that (but maybe it will be after edits).

Word Count: 75,247

Synopsis: Lila Osweil lives in a city full of shadows, but she has never bothered to learn what they hide. All she can focus on is how to escape her abusive father and run away into the arms of her childhood sweetheart Jacob. When Jacob tells her of the government's offer to give  her freedom if she becomes an agent for them, Lila accepts. But frightening visions that begin after her father nearly has Jacob killed haunt her, and as she begins her training, everything and everyone she knows begins to twist around her until Lila can no longer determine what is real and what isn't.

When I was first asked what inspired this novel, I really couldn't think of anything. The following story is my attempt at explaining how my brain comes up with ideas.

It was the spring of my junior year and I was sitting in economics class, rather bored by what my teacher was talking about because it wasn't curriculum and I didn't need to take notes on it because it was only for "edification". (Just a note, this teacher was my favorite teacher, but even he couldn't make economics interesting). I turned to the back of my notebook and starting writing a random thing. I had always wanted to start a book right in the middle of the action with a dramatic sentence. That turned into the now beginning of Shadows:

      "I scream, and scream as they drag Jacob away."

I think I only wrote a little more than a paragraph that day. I wrote around 3 more pages, but then it just sat in my notebook until I decided to take the idea and turn it into my NaNoWriMo project. I wanted a book that was full of twists and turns, secrets and shadows, confusion and terror. Okay, that was a bit dramatic and far-fetched, but it's doing pretty good I think.

Shadows has actually turned into a novel whose protagonist is the most like me that I've ever written. Her greatest struggle is one that I myself have struggled with so much. The things she experiences mirror my own scars. It contains probably my most beloved male character. And it contains a message that I try my best to follow and encourage others in.

So this book that arose out of boredom and a desire to be dramatic has turned into a story that I am super excited to finish (seriously, the plot twists are gonna be EPIC.......I hope).

Hopefully you enjoyed a look into the background of my WIP.!
