
Saturday, September 24, 2016


This post isn't about anything specific; it's just for you to know a little more about me and what this blog is about. You probably already read my About Me profile, so I assume you know the basics.

The title says it all: writing is oxygen. I thank God for this gift so much. He had to know that I would need it through everything life was going to throw at me. I believe that human beings were created to express themselves and we do it in all sorts of ways. I have friends who do that through art, music, film, and even engineering or programming. Writing is my way of expressing who I am and what goes on inside my crazy brain. It's also a way of dealing with what I've gone through and what I'm going through. It just releases something inside me to put words on a page.

Like I said in my profile, I also like singing and acting. To me, they are extensions of writing. There's a quote that I love that says "Music is what feelings sound like." (I also have a thing for quotes, so there'll probably be a lot on here). Even as a writer, I am sometimes not able to fully express things, such as emotions. Singing adds more meaning to the words through music and as a result, enriches them. As for acting, I love making words come alive because that's what acting is: taking a story and putting it into the realm of the seeing world. I love movies because they surround the words with all these other things and it just makes this beautiful production.

Anyway, now to the real point of this post. This blog will contain my comments on different aspects on writing that will hopefully help you become a better writer. It will also contain my reviews on movies and books and it probably will have a little bit about my life and what I'm going through, because that always bleeds through into every author's work. But there's one important thing to know: I made a promise to myself to be real on here, and that means showing the ugly side of me sometimes. My life is far from perfect, and I'm far from an unscarred or unscathed individual. But that's okay. It makes me human. And since I strive to make my writing real while at the same time an escape from the real world, I must let you guys see me who for I am in order that you can understand my writing.

Here's to writing!
